What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. Rei means Gods Wisdom or Higher Power and Ki means life force energy. So, Reiki provides a Higher Power life force energy. The practitioner is connected to this energy and lays hands on the animal thus transmitting the energy to the animal. This can be practiced as distance healing for an option as well. Not all animals want to be touched and/or it may not be safe to be in direct contact with the animal.

How does it help the animal?

Reiki works with the animal’s spirit, emotions, mind and body. It connects with the animal and helps with stress reduction, relaxation and promotes healing. It also helps strengthen their Immune system. It is a complementary healing alongside traditional veterinarians medical treatments.

What type of issues does Reiki help with?

Here are a few issues that Reiki can assist with:

  • Disharmony – Disharmony can be common in animal relationships. An animal may have a different opinion than their caregiver about an activity, lifestyle, behaviors, competition, goals etc. Example: Human needs a cat to be an indoor cat – cat wishers to go outdoors.
  • Unfulfilled Purpose – Many animals are made for specific purposes. For example, a working dog wants to work, such a a border collie who is bred to herd sheep, is adopted by a person who lives in an apartment and has no outlet for its energy or need to herd.
  • Loneliness – Animals get lonely too. For example horses are herd animals and like to be with other horses or other animals. They’re designed to be in a herd for safely.
  • Grief – Animals also experience grief when they lose their loved ones, whether it is other animals they are lose to or their caregivers. They can lose their appetites, become lethargic, have no vitality.
  • Confusion – Animals may be confused when their caregivers are making plans the animal is uninformed about, or there is no communication about its circumstances, such as when the caregivers moves.
  • Illness – The animal may have a physical illness or injury
  • Empathy – Some animals take on their caregivers emotional, mental or physical illness.
  • Compassion Fatigue – An animal may be using their own energy and life force when caregiving for their person or other animals.
  • End of Life – It May be the end of life for the animal or the caregiver.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – An animal may have experienced abuse, neglect, or past trauma.
  • Animals and children – Children and animals need to be shown appropriate ways to interact with each other. Reiki helps reduce stress and provides clarity in the situation if there are challenges with the behavior of an animal with children. There is a difference between an aggressive animal, a defensive animal, an untrained animal and an untrained child with animals. Unless the practitioner is a skilled animal trainer or expert, it is not their role to advise in these situations, but to give Reiki and let it provide the clarity and discernment needed.
  • Behavioral problems – The animal may have behavioral or personality problems
  • Chakra and Aura Problems – Animals have auras and chakras just as humans do. Auras and Chakras relate to the body’s energy fields and internal Ki of life force energy. When animals have negatively affected energy, they can demonstrate physical symptoms such as deleted life force energy, stress, and more.

This list is from the ReikiLifestyle Animal Reiki First and Second Degree Manual. ReikiLifestyle is a trademark of Colleen Benelli.